Athens and Melbourne Medical Associations Join Forces to Promote Medical Tourism -

Athens and Melbourne Medical Associations Join Forces to Promote Medical Tourism


The Athens Medical Association (ISA) and the Hellenic Medical Society of Melbourne have renewed their partnership to boost medical tourism in Greece. In a meeting held at ISA’s headquarters, the presidents of both organisations discussed expanding scientific collaboration and launching joint initiatives to attract international patients.

ISA President Giorgos Patoulis and Hellenic Medical Society of Melbourne President Marinis Pirpiris highlighted the potential of medical tourism to contribute to Greece’s economy and reputation as a global healthcare hub.

They emphasised the importance of leveraging the expertise of Greek doctors worldwide to attract patients seeking high-quality medical care.

One of the key initiatives discussed was the summer school program for Melbourne students in Athens and Kos.

This program, conducted in cooperation with the World Institute of Physicians, aims to provide students with hands-on experience in a Greek healthcare setting.

“By strengthening our ties with the Greek diaspora, we can create a network of medical professionals who can promote Greece as a destination for medical tourism,” said Mr. Patoulis. “We believe that our joint efforts can help to drive growth in this important sector of the Greek economy.”

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