Tsipras: I will not be a candidate for the new leadership of the party - iefimerida.gr

Tsipras: I will not be a candidate for the new leadership of the party

Ο Αλέξης Τσίπρας στο Ζάππειο
Tsipras: I will not be a candidate for the new leadership of the party / Φωτογραφία: Aris Oikonomou / SOOC

Emerging from a meeting of the SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance Executive Bureau, Alexis Tsipras announced at Zappion on Thursday that he has decided to step down as the main opposition party's leader and usher in a new cycle for SYRIZA.

«The new SYRIZA is the immediate priority» he stressed.

«I understand the need for a new wave in SYRIZA. And I have decided to step aside so it can pass. I have confidence in the human resources of our party. In the inexhaustible forces of society and the Left. I therefore decided to propose the election of a new leadership by the members of the party, as stipulated in its constitution. An immediate recourse to the relevant procedures. In which, of course, I will not be a candidate. But I will be present before, during and after them», he said.

Tsipras said that «the negative election result can and should be the start of it. The electoral body gave SYRIZA a double mandate. First, to respond to the role of main opposition. Which is always and de facto is the role of a party with potential to assume power. And secondly, to change drastically, if it wants to once again aspire to a governmental role with worth».
He noted that «we must live up to this popular mandate. We must reorganise immediately and without any delay. Let's not allow a single day to be lost, both in the confrontation with the New Democracy government and in the confrontation with our own weaknesses, ills and problems».

SYRIZA Political Secretariat meeting this weekend on electing a new leader

The Political Secretariat of SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance will meet shortly, probably within the weekend, sources said on Thursday, to begin the process of electing a new leader from the membership base after Alexis Tsipras resigned.

Sources said that the party's parliamentary group will also meet in the coming week to elect a new chair who will represent the party in parliamentary procedures, particularly ahead of the three-day plenary session on the new government's policy statements.

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