Syriza's pro-drachma lobby -

Syriza's pro-drachma lobby


While Prime Minister Tsipras and Finance Minister Vroufakis profess devotion to the euro the hard-left faction of the party calls for Greece to ditch the euro and return t to its old currency, the drachma.

Government MP Costas Lapavitsas stressed that if the country returns to the drachma the recovery will come within a few months arguing that the people are ready to return to the national currency. Lapavitsas supported the country's exit from the single currency and further claimed that the governments and the media of the Europe have once again stepped up their campaign of threatening the Greek people. He seemed far less worried about the adverse consequences of a Grexit, saying that the Greek government will overpass the problems caused by the Grexit within a few weeks time. In order to find the necessary resources Lapavitsas said that Greece could result in signing intergovernmental agreements with non EU-members such as Iran and Russia, with which a collaboration on the energy sector already exists. Finally he also noted that “a return to the drachma is the only solution to reclaim the country's national sovereignty".

Government MP Sthathis Leoutsakos is also preaching the benefits of the drachma. According to Leoutsakos the lenders are “financial murderers” who impose on the country unreasonable demands. Leoutsakos appeared deeply skeptical that a “mutually beneficial” and “honest” agreement can be reached and called on the Greek people to protest against austerity measures.

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ΔΙΑΒΑΣΤΕ ΠΕΡΙΣΣΟΤΕΡΑ Syriza pro-drachma lobby
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