Syriza's hard left: plan by Junker aiming to subjugate Greece -

Syriza's hard left: plan by Junker aiming to subjugate Greece


Speaking in Athens last night, Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said negotiations with creditors were reaching their "final stages".

He maintained the government would not agree to any plans to cut pensions and wages but said his government was willing to make concessions on the value added tax raise and tax system reforms.
Meanwhile Tsipras is receiving criticism from within his party, especially from the hard leftists, who believe that the government should not back down on its pre-election pledges and abandon the austerity policies imposed under the bailout agreement sealed by the last government.
According to Greece's creditors are pursuing a policy that can be considered “asphyxiating” to pressure Athens toward reaching an agreement. According to the website bailout lenders stepped up their campaign of threatening the Greek people and stirring up anti-Greek sentiments.
According to the negative portrayal of Greece in foreign press is a propaganda of deception. Finally the website urges the government not to accept the demands of the Eurogroup and its allies and to resist austerity policies imposed upon Greece.

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ΔΙΑΒΑΣΤΕ ΠΕΡΙΣΣΟΤΕΡΑ Syriza plan by Junker Panagiotis Lafazanis
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