Conflict between Prime Minister Tsipras and Bank of Greece Governor Stournaras after email scandal -

Conflict between Prime Minister Tsipras and Bank of Greece Governor Stournaras after email scandal


The Bank of Greece Governor Yannis Stournaras had been caught red-handed giving specific briefs to top journalists about “putting the most negative spin possible on the news” about Greek finances.

The email has leaked and published by Greek daily “Efimerida ton Sytnakton” causing a conflict between the left wing Greek government and the Governor of BoG, who has served as Minister of Finance under right wing New Democracy. The scandal was featured in Avgi's lead headline story - a daily newspaper politically affiliated with the Greece’s governing part - with the headline reading “Stournaras should be held Liable”.

According to the article by Avgi even though Stournaras is denying the story, top journalists Thanasis Tsekouras and Ellie Stai both admitted that they have received the e-mail from the BoG, thus confirming the organized attempt by the BoG Governor to undermine the government's negotiating stance by spreading false rumors to both national and international media. Avgi calls attention to the fact that Stournaras still acts as if he was a senior official of the Samaras Venizelos coalition government while his remarks about “interception” further prove his involvement.

The situation remained tensed since Prime Minister A. Tsipra's speech in the Parliament. On last Friday's speech the Greek PM lashed out at the BoG governor stating that “Mr. Stournaras will be put to the test by his ability to manage effectively the Greek banking system”.

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