A Referendum is a Possibility - iefimerida.gr

A Referendum is a Possibility


The possibility to call a referendum has not been ruled out in Greece. A referendum at first glance seems more likely in case the government doesn't reach an agreement with its international creditors.

Members of the government seem to be deeply divided on the matter.

Minister of the State Alekos Flambourakis stated in an interview with SKAI News that the possibility of a referendum will be agreed on a common basis by both the Greek government and the international institutions while he expressed the opinion that it is highly unlikely to resort to a referendum as an agreement will be reached within the government.

In an interview with Proto Thema Minister of Productive Reconstruction, and leader of SYRIZA's Left Platfom Panagiotis Lafazanis said the Greek Government has many alternative and viable solutions which will not be easy but will open up new perspectives while at the same time he emphasized the fact that the government must apply a “counter attack strategy”.

In an interview with Realnews Minister of Labor Panagiotis Skourletis was in favor of a referendum or elections scenario especially if the package goes beyond the political mandate that brought SYRIZA into power.

On the other hand Minister of Economy, Panagiotis Stathakis ruled out the possibility of elections or a referendum and expressed the certainty that an agreement will be reached with Greece's 'partentrs'. Ministers Panos Kammenos and Pangiotis Kouroumplis aligned themselves with Minister Stathakis, “The Government has only recently received a mandate to govern and it will go on” Mr. Kamenos said.

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