Minister Lafazanis submits amendment for construction of a mosque in Athens, first reactions by ANEL -

Minister Lafazanis submits amendment for construction of a mosque in Athens, first reactions by ANEL


Minister of Productive Reconstruction, Environment and Energy Panagiotis Lafazanis and deputy minster Giannis Tsironis have submitted an amendment to the Greek Parliament for the construction of a mosque in Athens.

According to the amendment the mosque will be constructed in the area of Votanikos, within the limits of the Municipality of Athens, in a lot that has been especially reserved for the foundation of a place of worship for Muslims.

The first negative reactions against the construction of a mosque were expressed by the right-wing Independent Greeks (Anel) - the partly that forms a coalition government with leftist Syriza. Anel has clearly stated that they will oppose the amendment.
Athens still remains the last European capital without a mosque, as the construction has been halted by right-wing groups. Left without a proper place to worship Muslims have turned garages, warehouses and commercial stores into makeshift places of worship.

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