Greek Publisher Petros Costopoulos will press charges against journalist Damian Mac Con Uladh and -

Greek Publisher Petros Costopoulos will press charges against journalist Damian Mac Con Uladh and


Greek lifestyle magazines publisher Petros Costopoulos was on the list of 12 individuals that according to Damian Mac Con Uladh have over the years contributed to Greece's current dead-end situation.

Costopoulos was number 10 on a list featuring leading political figures such as Sir Winston Churchill and Greek socialist Prime Minister Andreas Papandreou, royalty such as Greece's former king Constantine II, dictators such as Georgios Papadopoulos and obscure figures such as the leader of Greece's far-right party Golden Dawn. Former Prime Ministers Kostas Karamanlis and Giorgos Papandreou were also on the list that included Greek plutocrats, the assassins of Greece's first Governor John Capodistria, the -now incarcerated- former minister of defense Akis Tsochatzopoulos and the Troika.

Costopoulos replied to the accusations thought a statement published on webportal He stated that he has pressed charges against the website and the author.

“As a journalist I tent to reply to defamatory statements against me through my articles. But on that case the irrational and unmanly attack against me by Mr. Mac Con Uladh and forced me to take them to court. My lawyer Themis Sophos is about to press charges against them” Costopoulos stated, while he also added:

“My written reply will be published tomorrow but this time I had enough, I'm sick and tired of being a scapegoat of every single angered, ignorant scamp. The whole text is nonsense, but finding my name on a list along with dictators and impostures crosses the line. This caricature of a journalist will receive my written reply tomorrow. I will reply to his false accusations about all the things that accuses me of and that in reality have never appeared in my editorials or publications. But I will also like to remind him that this kind of libel is an act punishable by law”.

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