New exhibition explores friendship between Picasso and Barber -

New exhibition explores friendship between Picasso and Barber

Pablo Picasso
Pablo Picasso / AP Photo

A new exhibition at the MOMus-Museum of Modern Art-Costakis Collection in Thessaloniki delves into the friendship between Pablo Picasso and Eugenio Arias, a Spanish barber who befriended the artist while both were living in exile in France. 

The exhibition, titled "Pablo Picasso: Exile and Nostalgia," showcases personal works by Picasso, including unpublished sketches and prints from the Arias family collection.

The friendship between Picasso and Arias was forged over shared political activism, love for their homeland Spain, and mutual interests. 

The exhibition offers a glimpse into Picasso's personal life and highlights his dedication to freedom, peace, and friendship.

The exhibition is the result of a collaboration between MOMus and the Museo Casa Natal Picasso in Malaga, where the Arias family collection was donated in 2016. 

It also marks a broader effort to connect with international museums holding collections of historic European avant-garde art. The exhibition opens tomorrow and runs until November.

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