Six people sentenced in retrial of young American's beating death on Zakynthos -

Six people sentenced in retrial of young American's beating death on Zakynthos

Δικαστήριο / Φωτογραφία ΑΡΧΕΙΟΥ: Shutterstock

Six people charged with the beating death of US citizen Bakari Henderson at Laganas on Zakynthos island in July 2017 were found guilty by a second-level court on Friday.

Specifically, five defendants were found guilty of intended fatal bodily harm, and one was found guilty of fatal bodily harm. In terms of sentencing, one received a ten-year sentence, four received eight years each, and the sixth one received a five-year sentence.

Lawyer Christos Kaklamanis, who represented Bakari's family, said his family "will request, when that becomes feasible, that the Supreme Court revokes the decision," he said of Greece's highest court.

The defendants' lawyers - Alexis Kougias, Agamemnon Tatsis, and Athanassios Tartis - said they were satisfied with the verdict.

The retrial at second level occurred after an appeals court prosecutor appealed against the first verdict issued by a Patras court in 2018.

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