Yiannis Economou: The government is monitoring price increases very closely - iefimerida.gr

Yiannis Economou: The government is monitoring price increases very closely

giannis oikonomou
Government spokesperson Yiannis Economou / Giorgos Kontarinis / EUROKINISSI

"Price increases are a social problem," government spokesperson Yiannis Economou said in an interview with ANT1 on Tuesday.

He clarified that the price hikes were a global phenomenon that had no roots in Greece but were nevertheless "a real problem that makes it very difficult for many of our fellow citizens in their daily lives."

Economou stressed that there were two main points: "Firstly to be honest, to state the truth without embellishing, tragedising, or dismissing and secondly, as a responsible government, not to be limited to making observations. The government must act, its policy must produce results that support the people by trying to mitigate the impact of price increases and, on the other hand, ensure a balanced and safe course for the country in an international environment that is unusual, unstable and difficult, not only with respect to economic parameters but also others. We have to monitor it with vigilance and with a plan."

He added that citizens want a government that is by their side not only during the difficult times but which constantly creates conditions of prosperity for all, especially in difficult times.

Economou reiterated that the government has allocated more than 1.8 billion euros to support consumers faced with energy price increases. He also noted that no country in Europe that has allocated such amounts.

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