Woman Jailed for Starting Fires to Attract Firefighters - iefimerida.gr

Woman Jailed for Starting Fires to Attract Firefighters

Tree on fire
Credits: Shutterstock

A woman in Tripoli, Greece was given a 3-year suspended sentence and will serve two months in prison for intentionally starting fires.

She reportedly did this because she liked watching firefighters and tried to flirt with them. Experts believe that the confidence and aura of danger projected by uniformed men are key aspects that attract some women.

In a separate incident, a man was arrested for intentionally starting three fires and was sentenced to 15 months in prison. He will serve three months and was also fined.

Both of these fires were contained before they could cause major damage. Greece recently suffered extensive fires in the region of Attica, which burned thousands of hectares of land and destroyed hundreds of homes and businesses.

The Greek government has announced relief measures for those affected by the fires.

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