West Nile Virus Reaches Attica, Death Toll Climbs to Ten - iefimerida.gr

West Nile Virus Reaches Attica, Death Toll Climbs to Ten

West Nile Virus Reaches Attica, Death Toll Climbs to Ten
West Nile Virus Reaches Attica, Death Toll Climbs to Ten / shutterstock

Health authorities in Greece are on high alert following the first reported case of West Nile virus in Attica.

This development comes amid a growing concern over the spread of the virus across the country, with the death toll reaching ten since the start of 2024.
The National Public Health Organization (EODY) has confirmed a total of 76 domestic cases of West Nile virus infection this season.
Of these, 57 cases presented with severe symptoms impacting the Central Nervous System, such as encephalitis, meningitis, or acute flaccid paralysis. The remaining 19 cases exhibited either mild symptoms or no involvement of the Central Nervous System.

EODY's Department of Vector-Borne Diseases is actively conducting systematic investigations of all confirmed cases.

This includes in-depth interviews with patients to pinpoint the probable location of exposure and identify any associated risk factors. The ongoing surveillance efforts are pivotal in managing the public health response and curbing the further spread of the West Nile virus in Greece.

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