Wedding Bells to Ring for Greek Shipping Heiress and Nikolaos de Grece -

Wedding Bells to Ring for Greek Shipping Heiress and Nikolaos de Grece

Nikolaos de Grece and Chryssi Vardinogianni
Nikolaos de Grece and Chryssi Vardinogianni /Credits: Mikael Rieck

Preparations are underway for the wedding of Chryssi Vardinogianni and Nikolaos de Grece, scheduled for Feb. 7 at the Church of St. Nicholas Ragkavas.

The ceremony will take place at 6 p.m. with close family and friends in attendance, according to an announcement from the former Greek royal family's office. 


The private event is expected to have around 100 guests, including members of the Spanish royal family.

Spanish media outlet Hola reports that due to the weekday timing, Spanish representation will be limited. However, Queen Sofia is expected to attend with her sister, Princess Irene. Infanta Cristina will also be present, traveling from Switzerland, while Infanta Elena will be unable to attend due to prior commitments.

Greek newspaper Real Life reports the couple has chosen four best men: Nikolaos’ brother, Pavlos; close friend, Nasos Thanopoulos; Vardinogianni’s cousin, George B. Vardinogiannis; and businessman Vasilis Kefalogiannis. Journalist Aris Kavatzikis reported on Mega TV that Chryssi Vardinogianni has chosen Christos Kostarellos as her wedding dress designer, noting his style aligns with her elegant taste.

With final preparations underway, the wedding is anticipated to be a high-profile event in Greek society.

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