Weather forecast: Clouds, rain on Wednesday -

Weather forecast: Clouds, rain on Wednesday

σύννεφα καιρός παραλία στη Θεσσαλονίκη άνθρωποι περπατούν
AP/ Nikolas Giakoumidis

Clouds, rain and north-northeasterly winds are forecast for Wednesday.

Wind velocity will reach 8 on the Beaufort scale. Partly cloudy in the northern parts of the country with temperatures ranging from -01C to 15C.

Scattered clouds in the western parts with temperatures between 04C and 16C.

Scattered showers or sleet and snowfall in the mountainous and semi-mountainous areas of eastern Greece and temperatures between 01C and 12C. Clouds and rain in the Aegean islands and Crete, 06C-13C.

Clouds and scattered showers in Athens, 06C-11C. Mostly fair in Thessaloniki, 02C-15C.

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