Weather forecast: Overcast on Friday -

Weather forecast: Overcast on Friday

παιδί παίζει σε λίμνη στην Ελλάδα
Photo credit: AP/Thanassis Stavrakis

Generally overcast weather is forecast on Friday, with scattered rainshowers and thunderstorms in Macedonia, Epirus, and northern parts of Thessaly.

Northeasterly winds registering 4 to 6 on the Beaufort scale, rising to 7 at places in the Aegean. Temperatures will drop in the north, and will generally range between 10C and 24C nationally.

In Athens, thin cloud cover that will increase. NNE winds registering 4 to 7 on the Beaufort scale, temperatures from 13C to 23C.

In Thessaloniki, overcast with scattered rainshowers and thunderstorms, the latter at higher elevations.

Variable winds registering 3 to 5 on the Beaufort scale, dropping to 2 and 3 midday. Temperatures ranging from 11C to 23C.

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