The parties that tabled a motion of censure against the government "are not seeking answers," Minister of State Makis Voridis said on Wednesday in Parliament, accusing them of "political exploitation."
Voridis, the first minister to take the floor in the three-day debate that opened in the evening, accused PASOK of an initiative "to overthrow the government." He also questioned whether the plan of the four parties and independents signing the motion aimed at the government's collapse in order to hold snap elections, and then form a coalition government.
"Is this the plan you want us to tolerate, and is this what you propose to the Greek people? You will get the response of New Democracy's (ND) parliamentary group to this plan of the country's catastrophe on Friday, when you will see ND's absolute support in our government and our prime minister," the minister stressed.
The state minister also refuted SYRIZA deputy Katerina Notopoulou's argument that one of the reasons for the Tempi tragedy was the privatization of the railways by the government. "If I am not mistaken, on September 14, 2017, TrainOSE was sold to Ferrovie Dello Stato Italiane for 45 million euros. And they came to tell us we are at fault for the privatization! This is how serious their arguments are," Voridis underlined.
"In reality, the parties that tabled the motion of censure are not seeking answers. They tabled the motion for political exploitation," Voridis underlined.