Volunteer firefighter pronounced dead in Hospital of Pyrgos; Peloponnese hospitals on alert - iefimerida.gr

Volunteer firefighter pronounced dead in Hospital of Pyrgos; Peloponnese hospitals on alert

Ηλεία: Αναφορές για καμμένα σπίτια στο Αλποχώρι σύμφωνα με τον αντιπεριφερειάρχη Νίκο Κοροβέση
Φωτιά στην Ηλεία

A 55-year-old man in the village of Myrtia, in NW Peloponnese, who was helping firefighters died on Friday.

According to information, the man fell ill while he was helping put out with the fire in Alpochori, Ilia prefecture. An ambulance transported him to the Hospital of Pyrgos, where he was pronounced dead after failed efforts to revive him.

Meanwhile, the health authorities placed the hospitals of Patras, Pyrgos, and the Argolid on alert.

The fire in Chanaki, Ilia, has been pronounced "out of control" by Deputy Regional Governor Nikos Korovesis, who additionally said that the fire in Alpochori burned homes. In the latter case, efforts are made to prevent it from spreading to the Agios Ilias coast, site of a dense forest and several homes.

A new emergency message was sent through 112 to ask residens of Skafidia and Agios Ilias to evacuate towards Pyrgos.

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