Volos Takes Action to Clean Up Dead Fish and Address Potential Causes - iefimerida.gr

Volos Takes Action to Clean Up Dead Fish and Address Potential Causes

Thousands of dead fish found in the Pagasetic Gulf
Thousands of dead fish found in the Pagasetic Gulf / taxydromos.gr

Local authorities in Volos are taking immediate action to address the alarming situation of thousands of dead fish found in the Pagasetic Gulf.

Beginning today, a fleet of seven fishing vessels will be deployed to remove the dead fish from the port area.

To prevent the problem from spreading, a large net will be installed at the mouth of the Xirias River to contain the dead fish. In addition, crews will begin cleaning the river's estuaries early tomorrow morning.

Beyond the immediate cleanup, officials are also focusing on addressing potential causes of the fish deaths. Repairs are underway at the Petra Pumping Station, which was damaged in recent storms.

The station is critical for maintaining water flow in the area, and its malfunction may have contributed to the environmental conditions that led to the fish deaths.

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