US Ambassador Tsunis visits American pavillion at Thessaloniki book fair -

US Ambassador Tsunis visits American pavillion at Thessaloniki book fair

Ο Γιώργος Τσούνης στο Delphi Economic Forum/ Φωτογραφία: EUROKINISSI
Ο Γιώργος Τσούνης στο Delphi Economic Forum / Φωτογραφία: EUROKINISSI

United States Ambassador to Greece George Tsunis visited the American pavilion at the 19th Thessaloniki International Book Fair (TIBF) on Friday.

Posting on Twitter, Tsunis noted that "we're celebrating the rich tradition of American literature and our countries' shared passion for books -- from beloved American novels to poetry, drama, and non-fiction. Come check it out!"

The United States is this year's honored country, with the Fair highlighting contemporary professional writers in American literature. A total of 22 American publishers and writers James Wood and Claire Messud are participating.

The American Pavilion is organized by the Hellenic-American Chamber of Commerce, and the Fair is running through Sunday (May 4-7).

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