Unchecked wildfire rages across Rethymno - iefimerida.gr

Unchecked wildfire rages across Rethymno

Credits: flashnews

A major wildfire has razed large swathes of land in Crete, racing through the region of Agios Vasilios in Rethymno, remaining unchecked for a second day.

The fire broke out late Tuesday, spreading rapidly by gale-force winds. Residential areas were not threatened.

The Mayor of Agios Vasilios, Giannis Tatarakis said the fire was racing through a large area and firefighters faced a challenging battle to bring the blaze in check in because of the area’s rugged terrain and strong winds.

One fire front was contained but another continued to race towards Triopetra.

Residents in the broader Korakas beach area have been advised to evacuate their homes as flames continue to consume low vegetation and olive groves.

Many local volunteers are actively assisting in efforts to battle the flames.

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