UN Envoy to Visit Athens, Nicosia, and Ankara Ahead of Key Diplomatic Talks - iefimerida.gr

UN Envoy to Visit Athens, Nicosia, and Ankara Ahead of Key Diplomatic Talks

UN Envoy to Visit Athens, Nicosia, and Ankara Ahead of Key Diplomatic Talks
UN Envoy to Visit Athens, Nicosia, and Ankara Ahead of Key Diplomatic Talks / apimages

Rosemary DiCarlo, the United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, is set to visit Athens, Nicosia, and Ankara in mid-February, according to UN sources.

The trip is part of efforts to prepare for informal, expanded negotiations planned for March in Switzerland, although the exact dates for these talks have yet to be finalized.

During her visit, Ms. DiCarlo will hold meetings with senior officials in all three capitals to build momentum and foster dialogue ahead of the March discussions, which aim to address pressing political and regional issues.

Simultaneously, Colin Stewart, the UN Secretary-General’s Special Representative and head of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP), is in New York this week for consultations.

Mr. Stewart is meeting with high-ranking UN officials and representatives from the nations involved in the upcoming talks.

The diplomatic efforts reflect the UN's continued commitment to fostering stability and cooperation in the region. More details regarding the Swiss negotiations are expected in the coming weeks.

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