Two Greek tankers seized by Iran allowed to depart for Piraeus on Wednesday -

Two Greek tankers seized by Iran allowed to depart for Piraeus on Wednesday

Τα ελληνικά τάνκερ στον Περσικό Κόλπο
Τα ελληνικά τάνκερ στον Περσικό Κόλπο

Iranian authorities on Wednesday released the Greek-flagged tankers 'Prudent Warrior' and 'Delta Poseidon', allowing them to set sail for Piraeus, following months of negotiations. The two tankers had been detained at the Iranian port of Bandar Abbas since May 27, 2022. The two Greek ships had been boarded by the "Revolutionary Guards of Iran" in international waters.

The seizure of the two Greek tankers had been prompted by the confiscation of oil carried by the Iranian-flagged tanker "Lana" while it was anchored in the port of Piraeus, following a request for judicial assistance submitted to Greek authorities by the United States.

The oil shipment, owned by Iranian interests, was ultimately returned to the "Lana" by court order.

The crews of the two Greek tankers had already been replaced, while the seizure concerned only the two ships.

The tanker Lana has reportedly also left Piraeus port, bound for the port of Istanbul.

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