Turkish national arrested on Chios island, suspected member of criminal organization "Hawks" - iefimerida.gr

Turkish national arrested on Chios island, suspected member of criminal organization "Hawks"

Σύλληψη χειροπέδες
Photo: Shutterstock

Greek police are interrogating a 40-year-old Turkish national, allegedly affiliated with the notorious Turkish criminal organization known as the "Hawks."

The suspect was arrested on Wednesday on the island of Chios, raising concerns about cross-border criminal activity.

During a raid on the man's residence, authorities uncovered a handgun, ammunition, and forged Italian identification documents and driver’s licenses. The individual is now facing charges of illegal possession of weapons and document forgery.

The arrest comes in the wake of previous operations by Turkish authorities, codenamed "Cell," which resulted in the capture of several members of the Hawks, including a suspected leader with reported connections to Devlet Bahceli, head of Turkey's far-right Nationalist Movement Party (MHP).

Greek authorities are continuing their investigation, aiming to uncover the full extent of the suspect's activities on Chios and any possible links to broader criminal networks.

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