Tsitsipas Erupts, Ejects Father from Stadium Mid-Match - iefimerida.gr

Tsitsipas Erupts, Ejects Father from Stadium Mid-Match


Stefanos Tsitsipas' fiery temper flared during his second-round match against Kei Nishikori in Montreal, leading to a shocking scene where he ejected his own father, Apostolos Tsitsipas, from the stadium.

The incident unfolded as Tsitsipas, playing his first match post-Olympics, found himself struggling against Nishikori, trailing 5-1 in the first set. Overwhelmed by frustration and his father's constant coaching from the sidelines, Tsitsipas abruptly halted the game at 5-2 to confront him.

In a moment of intense anger, he shouted expletives at his father before ordering him to leave the stadium. The outburst occurred while Tsitsipas was also receiving a time violation warning from the umpire.

Despite the dramatic scene and his father's departure, Tsitsipas managed to rally, narrowing the gap to 5-4. However, he ultimately lost the first set 6-4 to Nishikori.

The incident has sparked discussion about the immense pressure athletes face and the complexities of familial relationships in professional sports.

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