It is time that "the government of high prices, inequality, wiretapping, blackmail, corruption, and aberration is judged by the Greek people," SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance leader Alexis Tsipras said on Friday from Patras.
In an electoral campaign address from the southwestern Greek city, the main opposition leader said that it is time the Greek people decide that "whoever they voted for in the last elections, the question that harsh reality urgently sets is, Democracy or New Democracy," referring to the ruling party of Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis.
"We saw darkness spread over democracy," he said, "and the state of law becoming the deep state of Mitsotakis, the National Intelligence Service becoming a Regime's Intelligence Service, serving the regime, and Greece's national security getting involved in blackmail games à la Mafia, by the surveillance on leaders of the Armed Forces - a dark shadow over the political system."
Tsipras said that he is open to working with progressive forces in Greece, and "desires dialog and collaboration, without seeing enemies in the center and left of the political map, as our political enemy is only one, the right wing of Mr. Mitsotakis."
Elections must be won by democracy, the democratic wing, and the prospect of social justice, the main opposition leader stressed.