Travellers to check in for their flights at port of Piraeus, under new service inaugurated by Min Staikouras -

Travellers to check in for their flights at port of Piraeus, under new service inaugurated by Min Staikouras

Σταϊκούρας: Πλέον οι ταξιδιώτες θα κάνουν το «check in» για την πτήση τους από το Λιμάνι του Πειραιά
Σταϊκούρας: Πλέον οι ταξιδιώτες θα κάνουν το «check in» για την πτήση τους από το λιμάνι του Πειραιά / Φωτογραφία: Intimenews/ΔΗΜΗΤΡΗΣ ΜΗΤΣΑΚΟΣ

A new service for travellers that allows them to do a flight check in from the port of Piraeus was inaugurated by Infrastructure and Transport Minister Christos Staikouras on Wednesday.

In a specially designated space at the port, travellers coming off boats can confirm their airport ticket, leave their baggage that will be transported to the Athens International Airport and spend more time in Piraeus before travelling on to the Airport.

"We are proving in action how large infrastructures promote combined transportation of residents and visitors through urban transport, for travel from the port of Piraeus to the Airport and to the heart of the city," Staikouras said.

The event was attended by representatives of shipping and the airline sector.

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