Tourists Resort to Diving to Reach Balos Beach -

Tourists Resort to Diving to Reach Balos Beach

Τουρίστες στον Μπάλο Χανίων, αποβιβάζονται μέσα στη θάλασσα /Φωτογραφία: e-kissamos

Tourists visiting the popular Balos Beach in Chania have been forced to dive into the sea to disembark from large ships, as seen in photos shared online. The dangerous practice involves visitors jumping from the ship's ramp into deep water.

A floating platform is set to be installed this weekend, aiming to provide a safer disembarkation method and address the concerns raised by visitors and locals.

The decision to install the platform was made a month ago, but implementation has been delayed. It will be available to visitors starting Monday until a more permanent solution with floating buoys is in place.

The platform aims to provide a safer and more comfortable experience for tourists visiting Balos Beach, ensuring they can enjoy its beauty without the risks highlighted in recent photos.

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