Tourism Ministry Defends Carpet Purchase for Minister's Office -

Tourism Ministry Defends Carpet Purchase for Minister's Office

Η Όλγα Κεφαλογιάννη
Credits: Eurokinissi

The Greek Tourism Ministry has defended its recent purchase of two Persian Nain carpets for Minister Olga Kefalogianni's office.

The ministry spent nearly €18,000 on the high-quality rugs, which it says will enhance the positive image of Greece at an international level.

In a statement, the ministry emphasized its role as the country's outward-facing department, responsible for promoting Greece's image to visitors from around the world.

The purchase of the carpets was seen as a necessary step to upgrade the office's infrastructure and ensure a welcoming environment for guests.

The ministry assured the public that all legal procedures were followed and absolute transparency was maintained throughout the procurement process. It added that the improved reception areas would contribute to excellent hospitality and service, ultimately promoting Greek tourism and enhancing the country's international image.

The tender document uploaded to Diavgeia, the state's transparency portal, confirmed the purchase of two Persian Nain rugs at a cost of €17,980. Nain carpets are renowned for their high knot density and superior quality.

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