Temperatures reached 20C on Christmas Day in Greece - iefimerida.gr

Temperatures reached 20C on Christmas Day in Greece

 Ανεβαίνει σήμερα η θερμοκρασία
Ανεβαίνει σήμερα η θερμοκρασία

Very high temperatures for the season, up to 7 on the Celsius scale higher from the average of the period 2010-2020, were recorded on Christmas Day in Greece, according to the Athens National Observatory's/ meteo.gr automatic meteorological stations network.

Temperatures reached and in some areas exceeded 20C . The highest temperatures were recorded in Paleohora, Chania region (20.1C), Makrohori of Veria (20.1C), Veria town (19.9C), Dion in Pieria (19.9C), Petrokefali Moiron οn Crete (19.9C), Kalamata (19.8C), Moschato, Attica region (19.8C) and in Sparti (19.8C).

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