SYRIZA's Kasselakis meets with ambassadors of Germany, Israel -

SYRIZA's Kasselakis meets with ambassadors of Germany, Israel

O Στέφανος Κασσελάκης στο γραφείο του στη Βουλή
O Στέφανος Κασσελάκης / Φωτογραφία: Intime, ΒΛΑΣΣΟΠΟΥΛΟΥ ΙΣΜΗΝΗ

SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance leader Stefanos Kasselakis met separately with the ambassadors of Germany and Israel on Wednesday, as part of a series of meetings with diplomatic representatives in Athens.

With German Ambasasador Andreas Kindl Kasselakis spoke of bilateral relations and he "raised the issue of German reparations, referring to the Report of the Interparty Parliamentary Committee of April 2019," according to a statement by the main opposition party. He also supported a fair European migration policy, saying that SYRIZA disagrees with the new EU Migration and Asylum Agreement that continues to place the burden of hosting on frontline countries. Kasselakis also expressed his concern over the prospect of the extreme-right's rise in the upcoming Europarliamentary elections.

At his meeting with Israeli Ambassador Noam Katz, Kasselakis spoke of Greek-Israeli relations and called for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and the freeing of Israeli hostages, in order to stop the humanitarian crisis that is growing worse. He also "clearly condemned Hamas for its terrorist attacks against civilians on October 7, noting that dealing with it through operations that lead to thousands of civilian deaths and worsen the humanitarian crisis boosts serves extremism and the region's destabilization." He said it also destabilizes the Palestinian Authority, which is the only Palestinian pwer that can guarantee a future of peace and security in the region.

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