SYRIZA Resolves Frozen Bank Account Issue -

SYRIZA Resolves Frozen Bank Account Issue

SYRIZA @intimenews

Syriza, the main opposition party in Greece, has successfully resolved an issue that led to the freezing of its bank accounts. Party sources confirmed that necessary legal actions were taken to unfreeze the accounts, paving the way for a settlement of a debt owed to a private creditor.

The debt, estimated to be around €200,000, prompted the creditor to initiate legal proceedings, resulting in the temporary freezing of Syriza's bank accounts.

However, the party has now addressed the matter, and officials are confident that the debt will be settled promptly.

In addition to the resolved bank account issue, Syriza is expected to receive a much-needed financial boost.

A state subsidy of €2 million is anticipated to be disbursed within the next 15 days. This influx of funds will provide significant relief to the party's finances and help stabilize its operations.

The resolution of the bank account issue and the upcoming state subsidy are positive developments for Syriza as it faces internal challenges and financial pressures.

These steps contribute to the party's efforts to strengthen its position and remain a viable force in Greek politics.

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