SYRIZA discusses procedures for congress, party leader election -

SYRIZA discusses procedures for congress, party leader election

Credits: Giorgos Kontarinis / EUROKINISSI

The procedures leading to the party's congress and the election of a new leader was discussed at SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance's Political Secretariat meeting on Thursday.

Official party sources said it was agreed that the party secretariat would facilitate candidates during the election campaign helping with their communications in media, but that candidates would be personally responsible for the campaign.

It was also agreed that the party's parliamentary and opposition work should not be affected by the process of electing a party leader. Parliamentary Group leader Nikos Pappas briefed the Political Secretariat of the group's work and particularly of SYRIZA's proposal tabled in Parliament on non-performing loans, and efforts to gain support from other opposition parties.

The opposition party's Political Secretariat also discussed the procedures for the pre-congress and congress dialogs, and how the staffing needs will be met.

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