Surge in Migrant Landings as 38 Rescued Near Gavdos -

Surge in Migrant Landings as 38 Rescued Near Gavdos

Φωτογραφία αρχείου: EUROKINISSI

In the latest uptick in illegal migrant entries, 38 men were rescued south of Gavdos, coast guard officials have announced.

The group was picked up by a Liberian-flagged cargo ship, 17.5 nautical miles from the island that has become a new landing ground for illegal migrants. All of the men were transferred to Chora Sfakion port by the Coast Guard.

Gavdos and Crete’s southern coastline have witnessed a rise in migrant landings in recent months.

More than 1,180 migrants, primarily from Egypt, Pakistan, and Afghanistan, have reached the islands, since the start of the year, marking a substantial jump from the 686 recorded in all of 2023.

The influx poses challenges for Gavdos, a small island with limited resources, prompting local authorities to seek additional support to meet the immediate needs of the migrants before their relocation to Crete.

The situation underscores the shifting patterns of migration routes into the European Union, with increased sea patrols in the eastern Aegean prompting smugglers to explore new paths, including the perilous journey from Libya to southern Crete.

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