Ministers discuss option of supplying Hungary with natural gas through Greece -

Ministers discuss option of supplying Hungary with natural gas through Greece

Ο υπουργός Περιβάλλοντος και Ενέργειας, Κώστας Σκρέκας
Ο υπουργός Περιβάλλοντος και Ενέργειας, Κώστας Σκρέκας / Φωτογραφία: ΓΙΑΝΝΗΣ ΠΑΝΑΓΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ-EUROKINISSI

Greece discussed the option of transporting natural gas to Hungary through Bulgaria and Romania if the supply from Russia encounters issues, according to a statement following a meeting on Wednesday between Greek Environment & Energy Minister Kostas Skrekas with visiting Hungarian Foreign Affairs Minister Peter Szijjarto.

They also discussed the possibility of Hungary's joining the East Mediterranean Gas Forum, Skrekas said in a statement after the meeting. "We discussed the need to delink both countries from Russian fossil fuels, and the measures we have taken in this direction. During historically critical circumstances, we are boosting our bilateral collaborations in order to increase our energy competitive ability and security. The European countries' closer collaboration to accelerate green transition is the only response to protecting our continent and consumers, guaranteeing affordable energy prices," he said.

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