Sunken ship located -

Sunken ship located

Sunken ship located
Sunken ship located

The discovery of a cargo ship that sank in 1976, claiming nine lives after a collision near the Corinth Canal, has been confirmed in the Megara Gulf.

The vessel, identified as the “Mini Lord,” was found tilted at a four-degree angle to the port side with a visible hole in its hull, according to marine researcher Kostas Thoktaridis, who spoke to the Athens-Macedonian News Agency.

On November 20, 1976, the “Mini Lord,” transporting iron from Italy, was bound for Piraeus for refueling. It collided with the “Costis TAF,” another freighter traveling from Perama to Slovenia. The impact on the port side from the “Costis TAF” caused the “Mini Lord” to sink within minutes, along with its eight crew members.

Despite immediate search and rescue efforts by nearby ships and the coast guard, none of the crew were recovered.

A subsequent investigation attributed the collision to the “Mini Lord’s” captain, who reportedly failed to notice the “Costis TAF” while on a VHF call, veering sharply to the left only moments before the accident.

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