Social Cohesion Min Zacharaki: 3,500 domestic violence victims download panic button app in 2024 -

Social Cohesion Min Zacharaki: 3,500 domestic violence victims download panic button app in 2024

Social Cohesion and Family Minister Sofia Zacharaki
Social Cohesion and Family Minister Sofia Zacharaki / Photo Credits: Intimenews

Social Cohesion and Family Minister Sofia Zacharaki emphasized that in 2024, 3,500 victims of domestic violence have downloaded the panic button application.

She provided this information during the signing of the Cooperation Memorandum between Greece and Cyprus in Nicosia aimed at combating domestic and gender-based violence.

Zacharaki noted that the panic button was activated 400 times in 2024, stating, "We had 400 interventions to prevent worse outcomes, with the immediate activation of the police. Following this, victims can choose to proceed with legal actions; if they decide to leave their homes, they can stay in shelters while also receiving the Guaranteed Minimum Income." She also mentioned that 195 men have downloaded the application, emphasizing that the panic button is available to all victims of domestic violence, regardless of gender.

The Cooperation Memorandum signed by Cyprus's Minister of Justice and Public Order Marios Hartsiotis, focuses on preventing and combating gender-based violence against women and represents a significant step toward strengthening cooperation between the two countries in the fields of gender equality and human rights protection.

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