Social Cohesion Min Zacharaki: Up to 10,055 euros subsidy for renovating homes in Athens for vulnerable households -

Social Cohesion Min Zacharaki: Up to 10,055 euros subsidy for renovating homes in Athens for vulnerable households

Sofia Zaxaraki
Sofia Zaxaraki /Credits: Eurokinissi, Dimitris Papamitsos

Property owners can submit applications until January 31, 2025, to participate in the home renovation program for houses that will be rented to households facing severe housing issues.

Minister of Social Cohesion and Family Sofia Zacharaki, highlighted the government's initiatives to address the social housing problem: “Reducing inequalities, fostering social cohesion and supporting vulnerable households are essential elements of the government's development agenda. Social housing is a key pillar of our housing policy, with nearly 5 billion euros allocated by the end of 2025.

"The program, implemented by the Ministry of Social Cohesion and Family in cooperation with the Municipality of Athens, is funded with 1,032,114 euros from the National Recovery and Resilience Plan “Greece 2.0.” It subsidizes the renovation of 70 homes with up to 10,055 euros, which owners will rent out for at least four years.

Applications can be submitted at

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