Slight increase in COVID-19 positivity -

Slight increase in COVID-19 positivity

Εμβόλιο κορωνοϊού
Credits: AP

A slight increase in SARS-CoV2 positivity was reported compared to the previous week, according to the National Public Health Organization’s (NPHO) epidemiological report for the period of September 16-22.

While the heightened SARS-CoV2 virus - COVID-19 infection activity seen during the summer is gradually subsiding, sample positivity showed a slight rise over the previous week. Specifically, 509 new hospital admissions were recorded, a decrease from the previous week, with a four-week average of 669 admissions.

There were seven new intubations, down from a four-week average of 11, and currently, 25 COVID-19 patients are intubated. There were 14 deaths, compared to a four-week average of 36.

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