Sikinos Search for Missing French Tourists Enters Fourth Day -

Sikinos Search for Missing French Tourists Enters Fourth Day

Credit: Shutterstock

Sikinos, Greece – The search for two French tourists, Françoise, 73, and Marie, 64, who vanished on Sikinos island continues with no results.

Rescue teams, volunteers, drones, and trained dogs have been scouring the island for four days, but no trace of the women has been found.

The two women, who met on the island, were last seen on Friday morning when they set out for a hike. One of them, Françoise, briefly contacted her tour operator, sending a photo that appeared to show her after a fall.

A local resident who knew Marie described her as cheerful and happy before her disappearance. A Belgian hiker familiar with the island suggested potential hiking routes the women might have taken, including areas on the far end of the island.

Relatives of the missing tourists have arrived in Sikinos to join the search and anxiously await any updates.

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