Seismic activity in Santorini-Amorgos zone gradually declining -

Seismic activity in Santorini-Amorgos zone gradually declining

Seismic activity in Santorini
Seismic activity in Santorini /Credits: Eurokinissi

The seismicity in the Santorini-Amorgos zone is gradually declining, according to the Laboratory of Seismology of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens which has detected more than 23.500 earthquakes in total, from the beginning of the seismic activity until February 22.

Seismicity continues to show a gradual decline, both in terms of daily number of earthquakes and maximum magnitude. It continues to occur in the same focal area, mainly southwest of Anydros, with no new microseismic upsurge observed since February 15, according to a statement by the Interdisciplinary Committee for Risk and Crisis Management of the University of Athens.

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