Scope Ratings Affirms Greece's Investment Grade, Upgrades Outlook -

Scope Ratings Affirms Greece's Investment Grade, Upgrades Outlook

τσολιας σημαια / ακροπολη
Έπαρση της σημαίας στην Ακρόπολη / φωτογραφίες ΠΑΝΑΓΙΩΤΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ ΝΙΚΟΣ

Scope Ratings has reaffirmed Greece's BBB- credit rating, confirming its status as an investment grade country.

The rating agency also revised the outlook from stable to positive, signalling confidence in Greece's economic prospects.

This positive assessment was echoed by Finance Minister Kostis Hatzidakis, who cited the rapid reduction of public debt, strong surpluses, reduced non-performing loans, and structural reforms as key factors contributing to Greece's economic progress.

He emphasised that this positive outlook reinforces the government's commitment to fiscal responsibility, investment attraction, and further social policy improvements.

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