President Sakellaropoulou sends holiday wishes to Greeks abroad -

President Sakellaropoulou sends holiday wishes to Greeks abroad

Η Κατερίνα Σακελλαροπούλου
Η Πρόεδρος της Δημοκρατίας, Κατερίνα Σακελλαροπούλου / Φωτογραφία: INTIME, ΓΤ ΠτΔ / ΜΑΝΩΛΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ ΘΟΔΩΡΗΣ

Greece looks to its community abroad, is proud of it, and follows its members' significant achievements in the arts and in the sciences, technology, and entrepreneurship, Greek President Katerina Sakellaropoulou said on Friday, in her Christmas and New Year's message to Greeks abroad.

"You are an integral part of hellenism, modern Odysseuses who crossed borders and seas, going through trials and disappointments, but with your persistence and hard work transformed them into opportunities and developed them into triumphs," the Greek president said.

"You experienced life as foreigners and enriched your identity without ever allowing your homeland's memory to fade away and the ties to weaken. These ties confirm their power these holidays, in your families, your own people, in churches, and in your hearts. I wholeheartedly wish you a Merry Christamas, health, and personal happiness for the New Year!," Sakellaropoulou added.

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