Majority of Britons Support Returning Parthenon Sculptures to Greece -

Majority of Britons Support Returning Parthenon Sculptures to Greece

Parthenon Marbles
Credit: Shutterstock

A recent poll by YouGov reveals that more than half of Britons (53%) support the return of the Parthenon Sculptures to Greece.

The survey, involving 4,280 British adults, highlighted shifting public sentiment over the historical artifacts, which were removed from the Parthenon in Athens over 200 years ago by Lord Elgin and are currently housed in the British Museum.

When asked whether the sculptures, also known as the Elgin Marbles, should be returned to Greece or remain in Britain, 24% believed they should stay in Britain, while 23% were undecided.

The issue is expected to surface during Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis’ meeting with British Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer at Downing Street later today..

Although the sculptures’ fate primarily falls under the British Museum’s purview, the Greek government has long sought their reunification with the Acropolis Museum in Athens, where other Parthenon artifacts are displayed.

This public support for returning the sculptures may add momentum to Greece's ongoing campaign, although no immediate resolution is expected.

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