Remote Greek islands to get subsidized ferry schedules in the summer -

Remote Greek islands to get subsidized ferry schedules in the summer

λιμανι τηλος
Τήλος, φωτογραφία shutterstock

The Greek Council of Coastal Transport approved subsidies for three new ship schedules to out-of-the-way islands and for two amended ones on Tuesday.

The new round-trip lines are as follows, with requirements for contracted ferries:

1. Tilos-Kos (Kardamena), two schedules a week during the summer (June 6-Sept. 18). The ferry should be able to carry 100 passengers in the winter and 200 in the summer.


2. Corfu-Diapontian Islands (Erikoussa, Mathraki, Othoni at Avlaki port), one schedule a month for heavy and dangerous cargo, carried out by open ferry.

3. Rhodes-Chalki-Karpathos-Kassos-Sitia, two schedules per week (June 13-Sept. 4), with an additional in high summer (July 4-Aug. 28). The ferry should be able to carry 700 passengers in the winter and provide 1,500 sqm for private or commercial vehicle transport.

The following amendments were also approved by the committee, also round-trip schedules:

4. Thessaloniki-Skiathos-Skopelos-Alonissos, three schedules a week (June 6-Sept. 11), with an additional in high summer (July 4-Aug. 28). The high-speed ferry should be able to carry 700 passengers in the summer and provide 1,500 sqm for vehicles.

5. Agia Kyriaki-Trikeri island-Volos, six schedules per week during the entire season (to Oct. 31, 2022), carried out by a ferry with a capacity of 50 passengers in the winter and 100 in the summer.

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