Rare Fresco Discovery on Naxos Offers Insights into Pre-Iconoclasm Byzantine Art - iefimerida.gr

Rare Fresco Discovery on Naxos Offers Insights into Pre-Iconoclasm Byzantine Art

fresco, Virgin Mary
A rare fresco depicting the Virgin Mary

A remarkable discovery on the Aegean island of Naxos is set to enrich our understanding of Byzantine art history.

The Ephorate of Antiquities of the Cyclades has unearthed a rare fresco depicting the Virgin Mary, believed to date from before the Iconoclastic Controversy of the 8th century.

This fresco, part of a larger collection of pre-iconoclastic wall paintings found on the island, offers a glimpse into the artistic expressions and religious practices prevalent in the Byzantine Aegean before the contentious period that sought to ban the veneration of religious images.

The discovery is expected to shed light on the evolution of Byzantine painting in the region and the role of religious imagery in the lives of its inhabitants during this crucial period

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