Protests Erupt at Thessaloniki Play, Police Clash With Demonstrators -

Protests Erupt at Thessaloniki Play, Police Clash With Demonstrators

Protests Erupt at Thessaloniki Play, Police Clash With Demonstrators
Protests Erupt at Thessaloniki Play, Police Clash With Demonstrators @ΜΩΥΣΙΑΔΗΣ ΓΙΑΝΝΗΣ

Protesters clashed with police outside the "Aristoteleion" Theater in Thessaloniki during a demonstration against comedian Christoforos Zaralikos performance.

About 30 demonstrators, described as ultra-Orthodox Christians, gathered holding crosses and religious icons, protesting the play.

The protest followed a call from Nikos Papadopoulos, a lawmaker from the nationalist Niki party. Minor scuffles broke out as protesters attempted to breach police barricades.

Police detained four individuals.

Protesters objected to the play’s promotional poster, which depicts Zaralikos wearing a crown of thorns and a robe, calling it offensive.

Niki distanced itself from the protest, but condemned the play’s imagery.

Protests Erupt at Thessaloniki Play, Police Clash With Demonstrators
Protests Erupt at Thessaloniki Play, Police Clash With Demonstrators

Recent performances by Zaralikos in Agrinio and Trikala were canceled due to security concerns.

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