Prominent Greek journalist Kostas Hardavellas, 79, dies -

Prominent Greek journalist Kostas Hardavellas, 79, dies

Κώστας Χαρδαβέλας
Κώστας Χαρδαβέλας

Well-known journalist Kostas Hardavellas, whose lengthy career included informative and entertaining shows spanning a wide range from state to private television and radio and print media, died on Tuesday aged 79.

Hardavellas had been battling health issues for many years. He was born in Piraeus in 1945 and held his first job at 'Ethnos' newspaper during the Greek dictatorship. His first television appearance was in 1977 at national broadcaster ERT, where he worked with fellow journalists Yiannis Dimaras and Giorgos Lianis, establishing his popular profile through original shows. For many years, he had also reported for 'Ta Nea' newspaper.

In 1993, Hardavellas left state television for Mega channel, where he ran two shows, and consecutively worked at Skai, Star, and Ant1 TV stations. He went back to ERT (channel ET 1), to present the show 'Anthropoi' (www.άνθρωποι.gr), while his subsequent experience included stints at Alter TV, GR TV, Extra 3 TV, and Epsilon TV.

A versatile journalist with an ease in trying different media, in his later years Hardavellas started writing for 'Real News' newspaper and the 'Newsbomb' news site, while he also worked for Real FM 97.8, and for Blue Sky TV.

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