Police Officer Facing Child Abuse Charges Now Under Financial Investigation - iefimerida.gr

Police Officer Facing Child Abuse Charges Now Under Financial Investigation

Police Officer Facing Child Abuse Charges Now Under Financial Investigation
Police Officer Facing Child Abuse Charges Now Under Financial Investigation / intimenews

A Greek police officer, formerly stationed at Parliament, is facing serious charges including child rape, incest, and sexual abuse.

He was jailed after a five-hour testimony where he denied all allegations, but the court was unconvinced by his defense.

His wife, also a police officer, has provided key testimony, alleging prolonged abuse within their family home.


Authorities are now reviewing the work of psychologists and psychiatrists who previously evaluated the couple, looking for any missed warning signs.

In a new development, Greece's anti-money laundering authority has launched a separate investigation into the officer's finances.

Concerns have been raised about his lavish lifestyle, which appears inconsistent with his income. Authorities will be scrutinizing his assets to determine if they are linked to any criminal activity.

The officer's lawyer has denied all charges and requested a psychiatric evaluation of the wife, citing her history of mental health treatment.

The case has shocked the nation and raised serious questions about how the officer was able to maintain his position despite potential red flags. The ongoing investigations will determine the full extent of the alleged crimes and whether any further action is necessary.

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