Police end search for missing Dutch tourist - iefimerida.gr

Police end search for missing Dutch tourist

Police end search for missing Dutch tourist
Police end search for missing Dutch tourist

Search efforts for a 74-year-old Dutch tourist, missing in Samos since last Sunday, have come to a halt.

According to the ERT national broadcaster, the search in the areas of Limniona, Klima, Agios Ioannis Eleimonas, and Agia Kyriaki Marathokampou ceased after five days.

Despite extreme weather conditions with temperatures reaching 40 degrees Celsius, the Greek Rescue Team, reinforced by drones, Frontex helicopter and a special search dog, have found no traces of the man.

The search was extended to surrounding areas but yielded no positive results.

The Dutchman had set out on Sunday morning from Limniona for a hike towards Agios Panteleimonas and Agia Kyriaki. He was last seen at 14:00 in the Klima area and has been missing since.

Rescue teams, with the assistance of the Hellenic Police and Fire Service, the EOD, and volunteers, meticulously searched every possible location, yet no evidence was found to shed light on the search for the 74-year-old Dutchman.

The search also expanded to the sea, with the local Coast Guard joijing in.

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